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Is True Love Just A Fairytale?


Love is vital to our existence.


But most wind up in fairytale love.


This is love rooted in attachment over connection.


So it’s more about getting than giving.


One reason people fall into this relationship trap is because,

unless you know yourself from the inside out, you’ll be looking through a skewed perspective of yourself and in turn, the other person as well.


How do I know? 


Its happened to me, more than once...


In fairytale love you wind up wounded.


Wondering why you can attract someone...but it’s being with someone for the long haul that eludes you.


For some, this happens because they misunderstand love. 


That seems ridiculous but many people mistake romance for love. 


Romance is the rose petals to love but can’t sustain the hardships of life.


Another reason is we mistake love for an emotion. 


Love isn’t an emotion.


You FEEL emotion from it, but true love doesn’t come and go like your emotions.


True love never changes and can’t be taken away.


And of course fear is the biggest contender to finding love. 


Especially if you have a wounded heart. The ghosts and shadows of the past will haunt you.


Creating barriers to the truth of love.


I know all this, beyond a shadow of a doubt because I was there.


I was a Luvjunkie, stuck in fairytale love.


Looking for love in all the wrong places.


Until I looked in the least likely place,


inside myself.


This is the place I found the truth of who I am and what I call, my inner alchemy of love.


Each one of us has our own unique, alchemic signature. 


No one else has or will ever have this unique frequency. 


This is no fairytale. Our hearts resonate a frequency and the closer you live to your own truth, the louder this beautiful beacon can be heard.


Once you understand this inward connection, your outward world will begin to resonate its harmony. And not just feel love but understand that it’s in you. It’s part of who you are. An indestructible seed of true love.


I'm NOT saying by understanding true love, you won’t struggle or get hurt or be disappointed in your relationships ever again...but you WILL understand why those things happen. And KNOW how to see them as treasures instead of barriers.


It’s no secret this love is found when you open your heart and surrender your judgment. But in order to do that you have to face where you are, as is. And not be afraid to discover why your relationships are the way they are. Theses are keys to your inner alchemy.


And yes, this daring inward reflection of who you are takes courage.


But it will lead you to treasures beyond your imaginings.


And because I believe every human being on this planet deserves to know their birthright in love, its my mission to help others find all the barriers that are in their way.


If this resonates with you, take a bold step today and sign up for my weekly Love Helps email offering thoughtful and creative tools to access your Inner Alchemy. Helping you break down and shatter illusions that leave you feeling heavy and undervalued. Helping you to see your greatest barriers. I will also give you visual modeling to help you associate the learning materials. These techniques are for you to gain insight about how your relationships are pathways of understanding who you are from the inside out. Connecting to your unique treasure within.


I’m D: The Finder

An alchemic anthropologist who specializes in human behavior. I am a wisdom seeker and a humanistic minister of love. I use creative and imaginative techniques to help you find your Inner Alchemy of Love. 

TRUE LOVE is waiting!

Im D: The Finder

I help people find their Inner Alchemy of Love



Measure the Weight

of Your Heart

If we don’t understand ourselves from the inside out we will have a propensity to be ruled by emotions and feelings. They will preempt your perceptions and dictate how you give and receive love. The EmoMeter is a emotional gauge that can help you see where you are from the inside out.

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