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Myth is the Doorway: Healing through Creation

At Love Street Alchemy we use storytelling as the method to heal pain by creating your own personal myths to live by. This container allows for the energies we perceive as conflict and opposites to move from the unknown to the known through the vehicle of the story itself. Ritualistically, the myth becomes a place to go back to for remembrance of the victories in negotiating your own life's battles. The myth is the conscious depiction of the unconscious pulls in our lives pushing us toward our divine signature. The place our inner alchemy is waiting to be discovered. Myth is the expression of the unseen brought into the seen.

We teach that in order to be autonomous you must embrace the treasures in the darkness, instead of trying to excise or repress these dark parts of ourselves. This shift in perception draws from the power of openness and of allowing what is, to be. Being the conduit for life's forces instead of trying to manipulate it to something that emerges as chaos. We use myth to teach how to assimilate the energies through applicable knowledge in relation to the individual's own life experiences, which gives way to insight and understanding.

Why Myth

Myth creates a space where you can learn to discover how to synthesise the opposites in your life. It then becomes a container for the unexpressed emotions we harbor within our unconscious. When we contain the major transitions of our life through storytelling it allows us to externalize our personal triumphs in a way that only through these methods allow us to not be held prisoner by them. Releasing you from limiting perceptions.

This creative art therapy gives you permission to visualize the greater purpose for yourself by exposing cyclical patterns, the places where shadows lie. The places that create gaps in our perceptions, distorting the authentic reflection of who you actually are.

Love Street Alchemy is experienced at exposing the areas of fear based thinking -- the place that is value deprived. This is not a fast food method to being, but a commitment to responsibility for both word and action.

Implementing various forms of artistic expression, we teach how creating myth is an essential part of discovering who you are. Releasing the potential that lives inside ourselves. Myth allows the imagination to be a vehicle in which to contain energies that debilitate us on our path, energies that are repressed, suppressed or projected. Myth helps us to break destructive life cycles that are old in our ancestry that without awareness will continue, over and over. Myth teaches us how to keep our shadow reflected behind us, instead of before us, blocking our internal brilliance. Myth teaches us to accept the deterministic nature in which we are born into and using it as living material, reshaping and removing the disparity of what is inward to what is reflected outward. Allowing the divine treasure of who you are to shine through. Revealing the wholeness that always was.

At Love Street Alchemy, we teach how to access the parts of your inner world so that they can be brought into the light of love. That in order to perceive your wholeness you must embrace the treasures in the darkness, instead of trying to excise or repress these dark parts of ourselves.

This shift in perception draws from the power of openness and of allowing what is, to be.

Being the conduit for life's forces instead of trying to manipulate it to something that emerges as chaos.

We use various methods implementing imagination which allows myth to teach how to assimilate the energies through applicable knowledge in relation to the individual's own life experiences, which gives way to insight and understanding.

Uncover your inner alchemy and live your own story!

Finding Your Way

We believe there are many paths to the Way but only one Way to get to. Our teachings help others to learn how to see. Giving them the ability to seek out their own pathway. Revealing their own unique signature of being. These are not process oriented teachings. These teachings focus on the what and how the shadow affect us as human beings. Personal identities that lie beneath the surface of our being. Urging us in directions, that without awareness, we get caught in the pull of its gravity. Never seeing we are moving in place, like a hamster on a wheel.

A crucial element to my own metamorphosis was facing my darkest fears. As overwhelming as this was, it didn't happen in an instant. But in allowing imagination as the vehicle to access the unconscious, it opened a safe place to view the fear for healing purposes. The journey through imagination allows for profound insights that lead to purpose of being.

Myth helps draw out the strands of the unconscious without debilitating you to inaction. How people heal from the inside out is as unique as your fingerprint and doesn't happens in a linear fashion. And yes, it's overwhelming, but the more I confronted these fears, instead of reverting back to past behaviors -- a deeper awareness came, revealing the connection to the authentic part of myself. This is where I discovered my own treasures in the darkness. A richness born of pain that transformed into beauty, as it came into the light. Just as the butterfly must fight its way out of its cocoon to build the strength in its wings so it can fly.

Through Love Street Alchemy, our hope is to help others to tap into their own treasures waiting for discovery. Helping others to see a clear way to their own life path. By reinforcing a responsibility to our being, we allow ourselves to face the darkness, and see through to the light of consciousness. And discovering our authentic purpose that is divinely inspired.

Principals to cultivate creative healing

Creating a safe environment is paramount to allowing your conscious mind to explore the depths of your person. Because this type of exploration is high on the vulnerability scale, we provide a space without judgmental boundaries, a place to see where you are in the moment and detangling from there. Trying to excise deep rooted pain and trauma deep prematurely will only intensify the loss.

Using the imagination to cultivate creativity helps the seeker learn to develop their intuition, tapping into your own personal signs and symbols. Discovering a labyrinth full of treasure to reflect brilliantly outward.

The Heros Journey

Joseph Campbell has been instrumental in helping us understand the Hero Journey.

The following are elements to create your own Personal Myth.

Myth is a secret opening through which the inexhaustible energies of the cosmos pour into the human cultural manifestations. Religions, philosophies, arts, the social forms of primitive and historic man, prime discoveries in science and technology, the very dream that blisters sleep, boil up from the basic, magic ring of myth. (Campbell, 2008, p. 1)

Create a personal myth using one of Campbell’s Four themes of the Supreme Ordeal, signifying the pivotal moment in the Hero's Journey, the one in which all future events depend.

The Supreme Ordeals:

1 Sacred Marriage

Loving all of yourself.

Becoming aware and coming to terms and with the dark part of your own self.

Cultural characters that symbolize this union are: Trinity and Neo (Matrix), Frodo and Galadriel (LOTR), or Luke and Leia (Star Wars).

2 Father Atonement

Coming to terms with the progenitor, the father figure from which you evolved but have yet to reconcile with. Cultural characters that symbolize this archetype are: Luke and Darth Vader (Star Wars).

3 Apotheosis

Accepting the truth and power of your true identity.

Cultural characters that symbolize this archetype are: Neo (Matrix), Aragorn (LOTR), Luke (Star Wars).

4 Elixir Theft

Treasures from the darkness

This is where you find the key(s). The treasure that has been stolen from you lies in the depth of the darkness. To find it once again, you must defeat your ultimate enemy/fears.

Im D: The Finder

I can help you find YOUR Inner Alchemy of Love​

If you are somebody who is stuck in fairytale love.

I can help. Aside from finding the greatest love inward.

I also found my soulmate,

the person who loves me because of who I am, not what I do.

We see the core of love and wholeness reflected in each other.

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